The one thing that I feel that many of you reading this right now, is the fact that you have the ability to create digital assets online, without really doing much work.  Like seriously.  Almost zero work.   I’ve developed a quick system, for newbies, to actually go out today and create something that is valuable that people will buy.   

I go out of my way to show you exactly what the steps are, and how to set something up really easy, using my already existing tools and templates i’ve been using that you can  use as well.  And using my method inside, you’ll be able to create the content you want with a click of a button.  

My wife was able to take method and strategy, and actually generate her first $299 in 6 days, from something that she created from scratch.  I’ll be honest… I set it up on Warrior plus, however, I didn’t do anything else.  Obviously, she needed someone to do this for her, or she could have picked up some course online to show her how to.  

What she did though, was something I was even amazed, as i never really thought about it.   And then a “LIGHT BULB” went off… 

If she could do this, then anyone can.  

So I decided to expand on my PassionFuze Series, and cover how someone can go out and create a digital asset, using nothing but free tools, however, you could also build on this, with more advanced training, and tips and secrets, to $150,000 type launches in just 6 days at times, using my own blueprint of launching products online, and creating premium courses and softwares. 

So with that being said, I wanted to introduce to you PassionFuze Vol 2.0.  I want you to check out the video below, where I explain more on the product and what you’re getting inside. 

Let's Look inside PassionFuze Vol 2.0

So What Is Inside PassionFuze Exactly?  



PassionFuze Vol 2.0 is an online training program led by DPAPA that teaches people how to make money online and achieve financial freedom. 

The program is designed to guide users through the process of building a profitable online business on warrior +, from identifying profitable niches to creating content  and products from scratch including how to generate traffic to their sales pages to make sales.

The program features step-by-step training modules led by DPAPA, who has years of experience in the industry and has helped thousands of people achieve financial success. 

The training is easy to follow and will provide users with a clear understanding of the strategies and tactics needed to build a successful online business.

Users will also have access to a wide range of tools and resources, case studies, dfy templates  and a support through DPAPA as your guide,

PassionFuze is the perfect solution for anyone who wants to take control of their financial future and build a sustainable online business from scratch.


PassionFuze OTO 1  – PassionFuze Spark! – ($67)

PassionFuze Spark is an all-in-one package that includes everything you need to get your business off the ground. With PassionFuze Spark, you’ll get my DFY Proven DFY Long Form Sales Pages, Including Upsell Pages, 100+ AI prompts for Copywriting, Free Merchant Accounts forever, Graphics to Use, and DFY PLR Software + Training to Resell, plus a full membership hosted by me. 

You’ll have access to everything you need to create a successful business, including:

  • Multi Course Academy DFY Funnel 
  • DFY Outline for a Course to Sell including days and weeks
  • DFY Long Form Sales Pages: You’ll get proven sales pages that will help you get more leads and sales.
  • Upsell Pages: You’ll get upsell pages that will help you maximize your profits. 
  • 100+ AI prompts for Copywriting and product creation: You’ll get access to proven copywriting tools to help you craft the perfect copy that will help you get more leads and sales. 
  • Free AI tool to use (even when CHAT GPT is down) never have a copywriters block again.
  • Free Merchant Accounts Forever: You’ll get free merchant accounts to process payments, so you don’t have to worry about setting up a merchant account. 
  • Retargeting Services : learn the secrets of super vendors using retargeting in their launch campaigns for even more sales. 
  • DFY Box Art Creation – for your own product
  • (645) DFY PLR Video + Ebooks Training to Resell: You’ll get access to PLR software and training to resell, so you can start making money with these . You also get infographics with your package. 
  • A Full Membership Hosted by Me: You’ll get access to place your offer on ProductDyno… full membership hosted by me, so you can get support and guidance from a professional. 
  • Army of Affiliates – Get a ready made army to promote your offer. I’ll be using my lists to send you traffic.
  • Guaranteed Sales on your first Product : I’l send you sales using my own buyers list. 

With PassionFuze Spark, you’ll have everything you need to create a successful online business and start generating a steady income.

PassionFuze OTO 1DS – ($37) PassionFuze Spark LITE!

PassionFuze Spark Lite  is an all-in-one package that includes everything you need to get your business off the ground. With PassionFuze Spark, you’ll get my DFY Proven DFY Long Form Sales Pages, Including Upsell Pages, 100+ AI prompts for Copywriting, Free Merchant Accounts forever, Graphics to Use, and DFY PLR Software + Training to Resell

You’ll have access to everything you need to create a successful business, including:

  • Multi Course Funnel – Multi Course Academy DFY Funnel 
  • DFY Outline including days and weeks  For Product creation
  • DFY Long Form Sales Pages: You’ll get proven sales pages that will help you get more leads and sales. 
  • DFY Upsell Pages: You’ll get upsell pages that will help you maximize your profits. 
  • 100+ AI prompts for Copywriting: You’ll get access to proven copywriting tools to help you craft the perfect copy that will help you get more leads and sales. 
  • Free Merchant Accounts Forever: You’ll get free merchant accounts to process payments, so you don’t have to worry about setting up a merchant account. 
  • Graphics to Use: You’ll get access to professional graphics that you can use to make your website and sales pages look more professional. 
  • (645) DFY PLR Video + Ebooks Training to Resell: You’ll get access to PLR software and training to resell, so you can start making money with these . You also get infographics with your package. 

With PassionFuze Spark, you’ll have everything you need to create a successful online business and start generating a steady income. So, what are you waiting for?

 Sign up now and get access to everything you need to start your own business.

PassionFuze OTO 2  – JV Partner – ($97)

 With Passion Fuze’s exclusive private JV Partner Support Group, you’ll get the personal help, from myself to working with you one-on-one to develop a successful product.  

Not only will this revolutionize the way you do business, but other ambitious entrepreneurs like yourself can collaborate within the group and build relationships that will last a lifetime.   

Join us today and experience the power of being part of our private network!

    • Weekly Q&A’s : Inside the private group I have for us you will be able to ask me questions inside this group we will be supporting each other during our launches.
    • Coaching Calls x2 :  I will be getting on a call with the customer, to decide what direction they want to take . Once decided, then following the steps you have learnt in the front end of the product, you will create a product that I will be adding inside a members area which I will create for your subscribers, or customers..  on Coach Call 2, we discuss the Launch process, and next steps.  
    • JV Promotion : I will also be promoting the offer to other top affiliates, to help support your launch to make sure you generate at least 100 sales on your first day of launch. 
    • JV Rolodex Groups :  I will be also providing you with a list of groups to help you launch your first product online. 
    • Guaranteed 100 Sales :  You will be getting my support as well, in generating your first sales using my own lists and traffic to make sure you get those first 100 sales. (product needs to be decent enough to generate these. Work hard to get something good and valuable and these sales will happen.
    • Army Of Super Affiliates :  Based on your Product I will be reaching out to specific super affiliates that could be game changer for your product launch and plus my own personal affiliates
  • Get access to Future Products and Discount Coupons –  for your promotions
  • JV Product Set up and Guaranteed Approval on Warrior+ – I’ll be setting up the product using my account.    
  • MunchEye Listing and Paid Advertisement – For more traffic and guaranteed affiliates to promote. 
  • Army Of Affiliates – I’ll be sending the offer to my personal lists for more affiliates on board. 

PassionFuze OTO 3  – Launch Pro – $497 (After launch $1,997)

In Passionfuze Launch Pro, I am committed to providing the essential parts of product creation and launch . 

 This includes creating the sales pages, copywriting, designing the VSLs and members area, as well as setting up JV pages and affiliate documents while also setting up the launch on Warrior+.

Furthermore, I will take responsibility for the payment processor and attracting affiliates.  

To ensure success during this process, I will also produce tutorials and training elements on my own initiative while also drawing on existing personal contacts so that you can reap the rewards quickly.

It is my passion to create products that are successful together with clients, forming a 50/50 partnership which splits profits equally between us.  

This is the perfect way to guarantee a successful product launch. Additionally, I will also be taking care of the payment processor and affiliates recruitment to make sure that your launch goes as smoothly as possible.

My passion and expertise in this field guarantee my effectiveness in helping you build a proper product backed by both your knowledge and passion and my own personal connections.

  • DFY Sales Page Copywriting – I’ll be creating your sales copy for the whole funnel. 
  • DFY – Full Funnel Creation (Sales Pages , upsells, Jv pages) – I’ll be creating your funnel including the sales pages, upsell pages, thank you pages, jv pages.   
  • DFY VSL Script Writing + Recording – I will help you create a compelling video sales letter for your product launch.  I will personally create your own sales page vsl just like i have done in all my successful launches.  It will save you money and time.  
  • DFY Logo Creation – Get a custom logo designed for your product launch to help you stand out from the competition.
  • DFY Box Art Creation – Create and packate your product
  • DFY JV Pages – Get professionally designed pages to help you promote your product launch. 
  • DFY JVDocs – Get professionally written documentation to help you get the most out of your product launch.
  • DFY Design – I’ll be creating your sales page designs and graphics.
  • Members Area Creation – Get access to a private members area for your product launch, so you can easily manage your customers.
  • DFY Training – I’ll be creating the training materials for “our” product to help you get the most out of your product launch for your customers and subscribers.
  • DFY Tutorials – I’ll be creating the tutorials to help your subscribers or customers get around your product or members area. 
  • Coaching Calls – Get 4 one-on-one coaching calls personally with me for the whole launch process together  to help you learn how to optimize your product launch.
  • 24/7 Support – Get access to our support team for any questions or issues you have about your product launch
  • DFY Merchant Accounts – I’ll be taking care of the payment processors. 
  • Retargetting Service –  Get my already existing traffic on your/ our launches, for even more sales.  
  • MunchEye Listing – Listing Product and Spending money on ads to recruit more Affiliates. 
  • Super Affiliate Recruitment – I will be reaching out to top super affiliates to promote our product. 

PassionFuze OTO 3DS – Launch Pro Lite – $297 – (After launch $997)

In Passionfuze Launch Pro Lite, I am committed to providing the essential parts of product creation and launch . 

This includes creating the members area for you, setting up the products on Warrior+ , providing my own Merchant Processor, My Super affiliate Jv ‘ing , 2 coaching calls,,  VSL script and video, I will review your copywriting. 

Furthermore, I will take responsibility for the payment processor and attracting affiliates.

To ensure success during this process, I will produce tutorials and training elements on my own initiative while also drawing on existing personal contacts so that you can reap the rewards quickly.

It is my passion to create products that are successful together with clients, forming a 50/50 partnership which splits profits equally between us.  

This is the perfect way to guarantee a successful product launch. Additionally, I will also be taking care of the payment processor and affiliates recruitment to make sure that your launch goes as smoothly as possible.

My passion and expertise in this field guarantee my effectiveness in helping you build a proper product backed by both your knowledge and passion and my own personal connections.

  • DFY REVIEW Copywriting – I’ll be reviewing your own copywriting for the sales pages and funnels.
  • DFY VSL Script Writing + Recording – I will help you create a compelling video sales letter for your product launch.  I will personally create your own sales page vsl just like i have done in all my successful launches.  It will save you money and time.  
  • DFY Logo Creation – Get a custom logo designed for your product launch to help you stand out from the competition.
  • DFY Box art  – I’ll be creating your Product Box Art..
  • Members Area Creation – Get access to a private members area for your product launch, so you can easily manage your customers.
  • Coaching Calls – Get 2 one-on-one coaching calls personally with me for the whole launch process together to help you learn how to optimize your product launch.
  • 24/7 Support – Get access to our support team for any questions or issues you have about your product launch
  • DFY Merchant Accounts – I’ll be taking care of the payment processors. 
  • JV Pages and Affiliate Recruitment – I will be taking care of the jv doc, jv pages, and affiliate recruitment.
  • Muncheye Listing – I will be listing the product on Muncheye.


PassionFuze OTO 4 – Legal Pro – $27

In PassionFuze Legal Pro , I want you to take the opportunity and treat this as a real business, by easily Creating An LLC or LTD business Instantly! No Matter where in the world you are.  

In this training i’m going to show you how you can set up a legal business entity online, while also having a US bank account easily from wherever you are online.  That’s right. 

A US Bank Account and a Legal Business you can be proud of . And be safe, because when you start making over 10,000 online, you’ll need to think how you can move big chunks of money around.  And the best way is to go legal. 

I’m going to show you exactly what I used to build my own business entity online, which makes my position to sell online easier, and more legal.  You will also learn how to kickstart this business without even having to launch products online. 

The opportunity you have here is to be legitimate and I have the solution.

  • DFY BRAND Business Website – I’ll be providing you with a template you can use for your business right off the bat so you can actually provide this information when you are creating your business entity. 
  • DFY Freelancer Overnight – In this section we will cover how you can start selling services without you actually doing any real work. You’ll be able to land over $5,000 on just one project if you follow my training inside.  
  • Create Your Business LLC or LTD  – This is the most easiest method to set up a business online using the exact strategy I have used to create my own business entities online.
  •  U.S.A Bank Account – In this training you will get information on how to set up your own US Based account in the US.



Your Exclusive Bonuses If You decide To Pick up PassionFuze From My links

Bonuses are delivered under your Access in your Warrior+ Account

Price will Go to $47 when Counter ends








Get access Untapped Traffic From My Links and Claim My Exclusive Bonuses